
Sunday, September 11, 2011

It's Been A While

So I know it's been a while, and I'm so sorry, but we have been SUPER  busy. I'd contemplated even typing this. School has been hectic, but good, and things are starting to slow down. Our classes are no joke; we get homework almost everyday(weekends too), so with all this going on, we decided to get kinky twists, to give our hair a break. Well so far only me, Marilyn getting her's done tomorrow. During this time, I'll be researching products to moisturize my hair, because my hair has breaking badly due to lack of moisture. If I can I'll try to post a pic tomorrow, but for now, until I'm free, there won't be as many posts, but I'll try, I have reviews and videos, but I've been busy and lazy. BTW, I'm SIX months natural today, six more to go!

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