Carolyn: Well it's been a while since we last posted. Since the last time, I've BC'ed (WOOHOO!), Mimi and me made a month, and we both tried twist outs. I am proud to say that after my twist out, my hair was long enough to pull back in a headband and I tried Natural Chica's twist out twisted tiara style. My dad actually liked it. We have been real busy lately: Mimi with her choir practices( we joined our church), and me with yearbook applications, school work, and photography( have to put up pics soon). So Mimi and I will try to start posting more and upload videos, including a few how to's, and we will check back with you later.
P.S.: We've been doing a couple of walks and Barack made us soo proud, will post pics soon. Also Monday April 4th was our 16th B'Day and tomorrow is our bro's 11th B'Day! ;)